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Mobility scooters for adults – Expert choice

You want to check out the best mobility scooters for adults to buy but don’t know which one to pick? This guide will help you out a lot, because we will highlight all the details that you should definitely consider.

Things like colour, number of wheels and other superficial things are only the edge of what should really be looked at. Through the years, we have sold many vehicles and have learned that it is like picking a pair of shoes. Mobility scooters for adults and children need to be comfortable. After all, no one would like to use a product that doesn’t offer maximum comfort.

What to consider when buying a mobility scooters for adults?

The first thing you should ask yourself isn’t what to buy but for whom. Specifications displayed in the vehicle are often similar, as mobility scooters tend to fall within a certain set of law regulations. There are of course small differences, like maximum carry weight, dimensions, motor power etc. Before considering the scooter, let’s focus on the user.

Weight of the mobility scooter user

One of the most important aspects is to think about the carry load. With users on the heavier side, a more lightweight vehicle with big carry capacity would be the best option. A heavy-duty scooter might look nice, but one should think about managing slopes. Obviously, the bigger combined weight of the scooter and the user, the harder it will be for the engine to deal with those. This is definitely important, as in the United Kingdom, the maximum speed of those vehicles is only 8 mph.

On the contrary, the lightweight users should think about picking a heavier vehicle. While all mobility carriages are medically certified, they aren’t error free. Living in a high area with strong winds might prove to be difficult to deal with on a daily basis.

Mobility scooter tyres

draco-red-wheelAt velobike, we always recommend pneumatic air tyres. They are more reliable and offer greater amortization when riding on uneven roads. There is a single exception to this though. For someone who lives in a bigger town with lots of flat surfaces and loves to frequent bars? Definitely solid tyres, as riding on a broken glass isn’t a good choice for any vehicle.

As mentioned though, it is an exception as we don’t really recommend purchasing solid tyres. While the scooter won’t shake off the user, after a bumpy road on uneven terrain, lots of pleasure from the ride is taken away. In our expert opinion, it is not worth getting them.

Motor power

Sometimes, customers think that more equals better. We couldn’t disagree more with this statement. While certainly a more powerful motor might have easier time dealing with some road situations, it has its drawbacks. One of the main reasons is that a more powerful motor drains the battery charge faster. As such, the range is significantly limited.

The perfect motor for the mobility scooters should always be adequate to the needs of the users. On top of that, if a bigger motor means faster battery charge consumption, it also means bigger costs of more frequent recharging.

Battery type

zt16-batteries-setSpeaking of charging, a type of battery for a mobility scooter will also be important. There is a recent popular trend in picking the lithium-ion batteries. Sure, their main selling point is that they can be removed and charged at home. Is it worth it though? Only if your garage or the shed where you store the vehicle doesn’t have the electric output. Otherwise, this is just an additional cost for a fancy option that would be highly redundant.

Electric mobility scooters for adults – final pick

If you have considered all the above, then you are on the great way to get the best model. The last thing to really look at are the minor differences like favourite colour, number of wheels or storage at the back. Whichever you pick though, it will definitely be a safe and reliable machine that will serve you for years to come.

At the end of the day, you have to remember one thing: All the mobility scooters are invalid carriages. One isn’t really ‘more safe’ than the other. They all come with valid medical certificates and if they didn’t meet very rigorous requirements, they wouldn’t receive one.

If you took time to consider weight, tyres, motor power, dimensions and so on, you are good to go. Pick the one which meets your requirement and has the best looks. We hope that soon you will get one and drive around free, living independently. You deserve that and more. On final note, take time to learn the vehicle. As mentioned, they are just like a pair of new shoes, they might require time to get used to!

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The Best Guide To Buying Mobility Scooter 2021

Buying Mobility Scooter in 2021 can be a challenging task, especially for first time users. After the warm season starts, many look forward to enjoying the fresh air and sun again. The choice isn’t easy though as  in the current market, there are so many brands available. It takes lots of research to grab this best deal for a product that will satisfy customer desire for freedom.

This is why at Velobike, we have decided to write an extensive guide to buying mobility scooter in 2021. It is our hope that when you finish reading it, you will be equipped with full knowledge to make the best purchase. How about it? Let’s get on with the reading!

What are the benefits of mobility scooters for you?

It is easy to list multiple reasons why such mobility aid is great to have. There are many, and they all depend on personal preferences. One of such might be that if you have difficulty driving, then a mobility scooter might be an ideal replacement for a car.

People who aren’t able to operate a motor vehicle might find them safer to use. In this case, a mobility scooter is a better choice as they are easy to use by anyone as they don’t reach too high speeds.

Some class-2 mobility scooters can be folded down. This makes them easy to store, and they are great for daily shopping trips or park visits.

People who are recovering from injury or a surgery find them perfect for temporary assistance. In this way they can maintain their independent living.

What kind of mobility scooter do you require?

With the multitude of mobility scooters for sale available on today’s market, it is easy to find the one just for you. Of course all online stores will market their products in best terms possible, but that doesn’t really answer the main question: what do you need the scooter for?

A small electric scooter which you can use inside your home or shopping mall? Maybe you need a vehicle that is more robust, useful for longer trips.

One of the most important considerations is the area you live in. Hills or difficult terrain can be tackled only by a more powerful vehicle with higher suspension. A flat pavement area? A simple shopper will be able to buy enough!

There is of course the physical build as well. Similarly to clothes, picking a nice looking vehicle is a great idea. Who says a 90+ years old grandpa cannot be stylish, travelling in a way that will make others envious?

How will you use your mobility scooter?

This questions always appears with every customer that considers buying mobility scooter in 2021. The best way to answer it would be by providing you a great way to narrow your choices. Once you settle on the type, the rest is just a matter of features that are to your liking.

Mobility scooters for sale in 2021

Simple Mobility Scooter



If you are looking for cheap and affordable transport then this would be your pick. A class-2 mobility scooter like ZT16 is perfect for daily trips to shop or park. If you live in an area where you will be riding on pavement, then this is a perfect choice. People who first start to search for a scooter, just want something to help them get their mobility back, be easy to operate and won’t cost too much.

Class-2 scooters are great, because they can be usually folded in some way or have some pieces removed without usage of any tools. This makes them easier to store or transport. If you want to use this kind of vehicle somewhere far away, you can usually assemble them back at the desired location and go about your way.

Full-Size Mobility Scooter


Perfect if you look for something more heavy duty. A full-size Class-3 mobility scooter is a great choice for everyone. While they aren’t possible to disassemble, there is no need to do so. With full homologation, they can go on both pavement and road. This makes them a perfect replacement for cars.

It’s not uncommon for some of those to be considered mini-cars as on average, they can easily reach 45 miles per charge. With storage under the seat and a lockbox or basket in the back, they can carry lots of things for the user.

Stylish Mobility Scooter


Some people who have hidden disabilities or just worry about how others might view them, make this choice. A stylish mobility scooter’s purpose is to not look like a mobility aid, while still being one. With a valid medical certificate, they are usually an object of envy from many pedestrians.

Anyone worried about their own public presence, will find this choice the best one. Of course, it is not all about looks, as those scooters usually come with all great features. You should definitely consider this option if you are buying mobility scooter in 2021.

Using the electric scooter

First thing to do when the scooter is delivered

Try it first, on a flat surface and in areas free of traffic. Getting a proper feel for the controls and gaining confidence is the first step. Switch it on, practice acceleration, deceleration, braking and turning. A good way is to test how the scooter deals with curbs as well.

Make sure that the vehicle doesn’t hold any secrets and that you know how to fully operate it. Learn how to adjust the mobility scooter seat and how to get on and off without assistance.

That out of the way, it is vital to find a suitable place to store this vehicle when it’s not in use. A small scooter might be easy to keep indoors, but otherwise a garage or shed might be more convenient. Always make sure that you have a power outlet because you might need to recharge it.

Do not forget servicing as this allows you to keep the scooter at optimum level. The manufacturer might also have great tips and tricks on how to maintain the mobility scooter longevity, so don’t be shy to ask or check their blog!

Charging the electric scooter


Always make sure to check the battery level before going out. If you think a recharge is needed, do as follows:

  1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position
  2. Connect charger to charging port off the scooter and the other end to power outlet.
  3. When you see the orange or red LED light, it is a n indication that the charging ins in progress
  4. The LED will turn into green colour once the battery is fully charged.
  5. Do not leave the vehicle charging if the battery is full. Disconnect the vehicle from the port and then from the power outlet.

Stay on the safe side when using a mobility scooter

As mentioned before, make sure the battery is fully charged. Afterwards, look if all storages and seats are properly secured in place. As with any vehicle, avoid using a mobility scooter if you are feeling sick or tired.

Stay visible to other cars and pedestrians when you are riding. All scooters have lights so never forget to use them.

Try not to overload your vehicle with bags and accessories. It might seem cool, but too many items might obstruct view or ability to control the vehicle.

Before going on a journey, always plan a route to know where you are going. It’s best to avoid busy roads or too narrow pavements. 

How to research the best brands offer mobility scooters for sale?

At this time, you can find numerous brands that offer to you an option of buying mobility scooter in 2021. However, the best stand out there from the crowd. It is a good practice to consider things like warranties, return policies and shipping policies.

We believe that if you are making research, always make sure the brand is clear on where the product and its parts are manufactured. If you are unable to get proper information, it might point to products being manufactured in places that cannot guarantee good quality.

Another thing to consider is to check if the brand you want to purchase is part of a bigger seller network. Obviously, a local seller with no named manufacturer and no connection to other companies won’t be very trustworthy. For example, Velobike is a part of the Veleco Authorized Reseller Network and apart from us, many other companies can vouch for the Polish manufacturer of our products and their parts. This is the best confirmation of quality.

In short: Always check if external companies can vouch for credibility of the place you wish to purchase from. If a company seems shady or doesn’t want to provide clear information where their products come from, avoid it.

Three vs four wheel scooter?

So, you know what type and brand of mobility scooter you wish to purchase? Great job, now you need to decide for the most vital aspect. Based on your height or weight, you might decide between maneuverability and stability. Obviously, a four wheel model will feel more secure to you than a three wheeler. However, no need to worry. Both are from a medical aid which means that neither will topple over. A three wheel scooter will be able to manage more difficult curves while a four wheel will offer higher ease of mind, especially for first time users.

Available options and accessories

Once you narrow down models that you feel are the best mobility scooters, you should definitely check options and accessories. Many mobility scooters will have upgrades, which will personalize the vehicle further for you.

The most common option to be found in stores is choice of a battery type. Lead-Acid or Lithium-Ion are comparable, with the difference that a lithium-ion can be removed and charged at home. A word of caution though, as those who wish to travel on a plane might face difficulties if their scooter comes with lithium-ion option. Some airlines don’t allow those on their aircrafts.

Lots of mobility scooters have also different accessories, such as canopies, phone holders, cup holders, oxygen tank holders, cane or walking stick holders. Some scooters that might seem cheap in stores can only be upgraded with dedicated accessories which cost a lot.

If you have found a mobility scooter that you like, always check the page for accessories and available options. Even if you don’t see what you would like though, always ask the seller as they might have something just for you.

Before you decide buying mobility scooter in 2021


The last thing to do is to make sure that your source of mobility scooter deals directly with the manufacturer and offers secure payment options. This way you can be sure that you get a good warranty and that technical support at a good and affordable price. Since such products can be considered luxury goods, many opt to purchase mobility scooters on finance. Smart sellers will usually work with a popular and well known company like Klarna, that will handle finance option securely for you. Of course to make sure you will pass the credit score check, it is best to set up a higher first deposit. What to do in case you won’t get a possibility to purchase on finance? Get in touch with the seller, as most of them will do everything in their might to help you get their product!

You are ready to purchase now

We have shared what we could with you and really hope this will make a purchase easier and more secure for you! If this guide helps you find the right choice, it means we did something awesome! If you consider one of our vehicles, feel free to contact us as we can answer all of your remaining questions and offer professional aid. Here you will find more specialist’s advices.

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Top 5 things to know about mobility scooters

Just for all the happy owners out there, we have decided to write a short guide with the top 5 things to know about mobility scooters. Taking into account the most commonly asked questions, we are going to share knowledge about Veleco vehicles. Continue reading and you’ll gain lots of useful information. Continue reading Top 5 things to know about mobility scooters

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Do it yourself – Take care of your scooter

It has been a while, but do you know how to take care of your scooter? In this blog post we want to focus on simple day to day maintenance checks, which can be done every so often to ensure that your mobility scooter will run as smoothly as possible.

It is very common that proper usage of the vehicle means you should also take care of your scooter. By doing so, you make sure that the machine will perform to its full capacity and extend it’s longevity.

There are numerous ways of proper care and in this short post we have selected the most important and vital ones. They might seem simple enough, but believe us, it’s those small things that are quickly forgotten.

Don’t let nature claim your vehicle

Humanity vs Nature is an ongoing conflict since many years ago. It’s certainly not the first time you have encountered overgrowth or rust which happened due to humidity. The best way to take care of your scooter is to always keep it safe and warm.

You just wouldn’t believe us, how many times we see scooters being left without proper rain cover under heavy rain. Of course rain can always catch up with you as you ride. What to do then? Simply use cloth to get rid of excess water and let the remaining one dry up, before using the vehicle.

Did you know that humidity is often the main cause of squeaking wheels? That is because brake pads become inflated. However, it isn’t anything to worry about, they will return to normal by riding the scooter.

Proper conservation is the key

If you are interested in daily day-to-day conservation, here’s what we recommend at Velobike.

First are the tyres, the most vital part. If you ride daily, they do get used up, so it is always a good idea to check on the pressure. If you lack the proper tools, that can be done at every gas station that you pass!

Speaking of tyres, a good tool to use would be K2 tire-doctor. Not only can it replenish missing air, in case of puncture, it can also fix that up for you. K2 is a product we are familiar with and use them to keep the scooters in pristine, shiny condition, so we really recommend giving those a go!

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