How to cancel order in Velobike?

What is Velobike return policy

Thank you for visiting our return policy, we hope you’re happy with every purchase you make with Velobike. Just in case that you have changed your mind, specially for you, we have prepared our easy to understand return policy. In it you will find detailed information about:

  1. how to cancel the order;
  2. return policy step by step;

How to cancel order?

If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us via the website contact form or directly through email: [email protected]

While we might help with answering your questions via Chat or Phone, we always need written confirmation of your cancellation on email. This is for your own security and comfort.

Be advised that once the order is shipped, we will not refund you any supplementary costs arising if you chose a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us.

Return policy – step by step guide

In order to make our return policy easy to understand, we have prepared a full guide detailing the process. If any part of this guide is not clear, please contact us and we will provide any missing details.

1. Once an order has been placed, by our company terms and conditions, the right of return is within 14 calendar days of receiving the delivery. After this period, this right expires, and we cannot accept any returns.

Please note the scooter cannot be registered in the DVLA. if registered, we will not accept it.

2. We will not accept the return of electric mobility scooter if its resale value is breached. This happens if:

  • The scooter was used — unless test drive was booked, in which case the odometer can show up to 2 miles (3.22 km). We will not accept return if it shows more;
  • The scooter was damaged in any way;
  • The scooter is incomplete (e.g. missing keys or papers);

3. Velobike reserves the right to charge customer for repair or replacement of any product(s).

4. If you are within the right to return the product, you must send us photos first. The photos are proof of the state the scooter is in. What we need from you are:

  • photos of scooter from all sides in good quality (all four sides);
  • photo of odometer showing how many miles / kilometres were driven;

5. Based on your photos, Velobike Customer Service will determine, if the product is eligible for return.

6. If the state of the scooter was approved on our part, you have two options of returning it to us:

  • You can order pickup service from us. It is separate from return and needs to be paid for. By doing this, our driver will come over to take the vehicle from you in next 5 to 12 working days, with the return of money taking additional 48 hours. This offers you additional security, because in case the scooter gets damaged in transport, it is no longer your concern as it s state was determined and accepted on pickup. The cost of collection of the vehicle is between 50-350 GBP, depending on location. Each time the cost of collection is agreed individually with the client. The term COLLECTION should be understood as an order that has been shipped to the customer.
  • You can send the scooter to our UK warehouse on your own. By doing so, you take full responsibility for the state it arrives in as the state of the vehicle is verified at our warehouse. This might prevent you from getting your money back if the scooter was damaged. Once the scooter is with us and approved, money gets returned in next 48 hours.

7. In the case that the photos you have sent to us do not in any way match the state of vehicle on pick-up day, the return can be denied by the driver or at our warehouse. We advise to keep the scooter safe and unused in secure place until the pick-up arrives.

8. The return must include: the charger, both sets of keys and all documents from delivery. Any accessories aren’t eligible for return if they were opened and used.

Easy to understand? We hope so, but in case of questions feel free to contact us.