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Tackling any type of terrain on mobility scooter

On rare occasions, we are asked how our mobility scooters deal with terrain of various type. In this short post, we will gladly disclose this information, taking in consideration the types of trips our customers often take. 

Depending on the season, mobility scooters face different challenges. As such, we will divide the information between summer and winter, to discuss all possible scenarios.

Mobility scooter – terrain during summer trips

During the hot season, mobility scooter sales skyrocket, because beautiful weather is the perfect time to drive around. One of the most common terrains encountered by riders is a simple earth or sand path. If they aren’t powdery, they are harmless to inner workings of the vehicle, especially the electric motor.

However, powdery sand which can be encountered in a very dry season on the beach will definitely harm any electric components. Small grains can get inside, damaging them over time. As such, it’s best to avoid driving a mobility scooter on such terrain of any kind that has an electric motor.

Another type of terrain is grass. A short, well trimmed one will not harm the vehicle at all. In fact, Model FASTER with roof is used as a golf buggy at times and handles such terrain well. On the other hand, very tall grass might get entwined in moving parts of the vehicle, so it is best to avoid it.

Riding mobility scooter in winter

For last, we leave dealing with snow. Obviously, an electric scooter isn’t a snow plough and shouldn’t be used as one. Some users might be worried about riding in winter altogether, because of all too frequent moisture.

When using a mobility scooter in winter terrain, packed snow roads won’t be an issue. Any moisture which might gather is also easily dealt with. All the user has to do is to wipe the vehicle with a dry piece of cloth and let it dry before the next usage.

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Are mobility scooters allowed on the road?

It is worth noting that when asking if mobility scooters are allowed on the road, it is best to check all regulations with a proper communications office. Depending on the country, the law might be different. In this short post, we will cover the situation in the United Kingdom.

Technical parameters of road legal scooter

According to DVLA, a road legal mobility scooter is referred to as a “Class 3 Invalid carriage”. Compared to Class 2, those vehicles need to have a set of characteristics, which makes them safe to use while on both pavement and road.

  • Controllable maximum speed of 4 mph while off the road and 8 mph while on the road,
  • Maximum vehicle weight (without the rider) not exceeding 25 stones,
  • Width of the vehicle being no more than 33 inches,
  • Safe braking system,
  • Full lights system as well as reflectors. This included front, rear, turning, hazard lights,
  • Horn,
  • Rearview mirrors.

Registering mobility scooter with DVLA

If all the above parameters are met, the vehicle can be registered with DVLA. When purchasing a vehicle from our store, we make this process easier by including the necessary form for registration. For those that are curious about the registration thought we have 3 main points to take note of:

  • It is not possible to register the vehicle online or via post office, as evidence of vehicle age is needed.
  • Registration is always free of charge.
  • Tax disc is required and must be displayed. A V55/4 form for new vehicles is required, which can be obtained from DVLA, however we will include the form in the folder.

Lastly, while insurance isn’t required, you should definitely get one. In case of any accidents, it will cover the damage, which isn’t covered by manufacturer warranty.

Using class 3 mobility scooter allowed on the road

Firstly, it should be noted that no driving test is necessary. The only guidelines that are to be followed are the standard Highway Code while remembering regular driving procedures.

While class 3 invalid carriage is allowed on the road, it is preferable to use pavement when possible. It should be mentioned that pedestrians always have priority. Be advised that some of them might be aware of you approaching, especially elderly or impaired. When riding the scooter on the pavement, take care to not spook them. Especially do not try to force your way through crowds.

Velobike has a wide range of Class 3 invalid carriages, that met all of DVLA requirments and can be safely used: FASTER, ZT15, ZT63, DRACO, CRISTAL

Restrictions to using class 3 mobility scooter

Naturally, there are restrictions in place when using a class 3 invalid carriage. This vehicle is prohibited from travelling in bus lanes, “cycle only” lanes, motorways and dual carriageways with speed limit of over 50mph.

For parking restrictions, there is nothing out of ordinary. If it obstructs the traffic, leaving this vehicle unattended in a pedestrian area or on a footpath shouldn’t be done.

While mobility scooters allowed on road can be technically operated by anyone, a person must be at least 14 years old.

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How to use a mobility scooter responsibly?

With ever growing popularity, it is high time to write a post about how to use a mobility scooter responsibly. Here we will list all do’s and don’ts when taking the vehicle for a ride. Let us take you for a spin with this blog post, it will definitely be worth reading!

To start off, we know best the feeling of sitting for the first time on a brand new mobility scooter. This feeling of new freedom and open possibilities is often so much, you just want to speed though the world. Speeding is fine, as long as it’s done with your own safety in mind. Knowing how you use a mobility scooter is the first step and often crucial.

Do’s of using a mobility scooter responsibly

Safety, safety and once again, safety. This is the most important part of everything. When you are first starting to learn the ropes of how to use a mobility scooter, always ensure you are safe. A helmet and a seatbelt might seem constricting, but never skip on those, to stay safe.

Safety isn’t the only thing important though. The knowledge of how to operate a vehicle is important, but we believe in experience. Imagine putting on a pair of new shoes. They will feel strange at first, right? Same with the vehicle, when you ride for the first few days, you will get used to it. Don’t rush this process, take your time is what we advise. You have gotten your freedom and it won’t be lost anywhere. There is lots of time to take it step by step until you are 100% sure you know how to use a mobility scooter.

How to not use a mobility scooter?

Obviously we left the best for the last! Hope you are here with us and still reading. Here’s a short list of things that should definitely be avoided:

  • Don’t try to put in a stronger engine – This might seem trivial, but some feel that 8 mph in the UK or 15.5 mph in the EU is not enough. Be advised though, the vehicle is a mobility aid, to help you with mobility problems. The vehicles aren’t designed for a race, and you shouldn’t try to modify them for one.
  • Be mindful of other pedestrians – This is a very important part. If you once again are able to move about, stay mindful of others. Sure, it would be great to show off to others or horn them out of your way, but it would also be impolite. Try to park, move and drive in a way that respects others.
  • Don’t think “I will manage to cross before the red light turns on” – The rush is the cause of most problems even to those without a mobility scooter. Don’t try to race against the clock, it is not worth it and could be dangerous.

What if you don’t know how to use a mobility scooter?

 Seek out help as you aren’t alone. We can help out, your neighbours and caretakers can help out. If that isn’t possible? Get the vehicle to a safe, even ground, away from traffic and try it out. It might seem complicated to use at first, but never forget the most important thing. Those vehicles were designed by Veleco taking into account users of all ages and ability. This means the vehicle is not beyond you, as others use them on a daily basis. It might feel overwhelming at first, but in no time you will learn how to use it and speed to favourite shops and parks. 

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Can mobility scooter batteries be repaired?

The question if mobility scooters batteries can be repaired has surfaced numerous times. It is one of the most vital questions that often is asked by long-time mobility scooter users. In this short article, we will bring about not only a solution to the issue but also a few tricks to make batteries last longer. Continue reading Can mobility scooter batteries be repaired?

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Best mobility scooter that can climb hills

When choosing a mobility scooter that can climb hills, there are numerous questions from our customers. Due to that, we have decided to answer the most important of them, in this short post. Here, you will learn how the maximum possible slope is determined and how important is the power of the motor.

Finding a mobility scooter that can climb hills is pretty easy at our store, but you already know that. As our products were made by manufacturer Veleco, they were thoroughly tested and the specifications were provided to us. However, this might be not enough for customers, so we have performed our own tests as well.

This way, if you decide to pick one of our products in the future, you can be sure that all the data provided in our product pages is accurate and always up to date.

How to determine maximum possible slope

First, you need to consider two main elements that determine the steepness of a slope. Weight is naturally the primary factor, and we mean the combined weight of the scooter and its rider. The secondary factor would be the strength of the motor.

Generally, the size of the battery shouldn’t affect the climbing ability, however you should know that lead-acid batteries weigh much more than lithium-ion ones. Basically, the less weight there is to handle, the less power from the motor is required, which in turn determines the battery drain.

It needs to be said that an accurate calculation of maximum climbing ability is generally impossible. However, all online shops that try to sell a mobility scooter that can climb hills, should provide the lowest possible specs. 

Did you know that the specifications, which you can find under every product on our website, are gathered by us? They were made in uniform and perfect conditions and are provided to all customers before they make a purchase.

Motor for mobility scooter that can climb hills

It might sound simple, that to get the mobility scooter that can climb hills, all you require would be the big motor. That is often a very big mistake though. Too powerful motors would use up battery charge very quickly, even on normal roads. Because of this, what you would want is to have a motor perfect for your vehicle construction and not the strongest possible.

Instead of the big strength, we suggest following the specifications on the websites. If you really need more assurance though, always ask the seller, as they have first time information. Hope this helped, and now you know which factors affect any mobility scooter that can climb hills and its performance.

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Top 5 things to know about mobility scooters

Just for all the happy owners out there, we have decided to write a short guide with the top 5 things to know about mobility scooters. Taking into account the most commonly asked questions, we are going to share knowledge about Veleco vehicles. Continue reading and you’ll gain lots of useful information. Continue reading Top 5 things to know about mobility scooters

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Mobility scooter – freedom of movement

For owners of mobility scooter, freedom of movement is the main factor why they use them. In recent years, the popularity of those vehicles grew significantly. Nowadays it is very common to encounter people on them, walking dogs, making groceries in supermarkets and much more. But what truly makes them so special?

With prices ranging from hundreds to thousands of pounds, mobility scooters are one of the most reliable ways to move about. People who felt confined to their homes can now come out, safely driving on either pavement on the road of their towns. Thanks to them, visiting favourite spots is possible again.

If you think that disability or old age make you unable to enjoy life to its fullest, you might be pleasantly surprised. Did you know that some use their mobility scooters to go fishing or even farm? On YouTube, you might find some interesting vlogs promoting outdoor activities, like “Grow Your Own Life”.

No need for a taxi or public transport if you have mobility scooter

This year, many of us try to limit contact with others as much as possible. However, humans are social creatures, and we just cannot skip on visiting family members. The usual way to travel, for people with limited mobility, was often to take a taxi or bus. That however is now something often avoided.

There is no need to seclude yourself in your home. With mobility scooter freedom of movement, paying for taxi or usage of local bus can be skipped altogether. Using them, you will find that they are a much more economic, and eco-friendly way to travel.

Class 3 – safety on the pavements and roads

All mobility scooters are made with elderly and disabled in mind. They are the main users of those vehicles, and it is only obvious that comfort and safety are top priorities. Our manufacturer Veleco knows it from years of experience, and they always strive to achieve the best result. Mobility scooter freedom is the main goal to achieve when manufacturing a reliable vehicle of this kind.

Did you know that you can and should also insure your vehicle? We recommend reading our previous post about that, as it has more useful info.

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What is mobility scooter insurance?

While at Velobike we do not deal with mobility scooter insurance, we often encounter questions regarding it. This is why just for you, our dear readers, we have decided to cover this topic. We hope that by doing so, we might offer advice in the right direction.

Without a doubt, for you or someone close to you, a mobility scooter is more than a vehicle. It is a means of freedom, which brings back full mobility. From talking with many customers and readers, such as yourself through the years, there is no doubt that our vehicles encounter all sorts of situations.

Being more expensive and useful than bicycles, it is always a great idea to take care of your mobility scooter. It is used daily, so every time you get on, it would put your mind at ease knowing the vehicle is protected.

Do you need insurance?

At Velobike we offer a one-year warranty and Extended 3-Year Warranty however such things never cover all bases. Theft, Vandalism & Accidental Damage are just some things that users of mobility scooters have to look out for.

Remember, insurance in case of mobility scooters is always optional. While not required though, we highly would recommend getting one. As an example, if for some reason your mobility scooter stops in the middle of the ride, an insurance company is able to dispatch the driver to get you and the scooter. As you can see, if you own a Class-2 or Class-3 mobility scooter, you can insure it for many events.

Where to get mobility scooter insurance?

While we don’t work directly with companies which offer insurances, they aren’t hard to find. When browsing the internet, it is easy to encounter many insurers which offer such services. Examples of such are: Surewise, Blue Badge or Fish Insurance.

How to get the best deal? The only way is to check various offers, but if it were up to us, we would look at customer opinions first. Google reviews or Trust pilot ones are great sources of information. Speaking of which, have you left a review for us? 😉  You can do so under products in our site, our trust pilot or even google review!

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Mobility scooter tyres – Solid or Air?

One of the key components of every mobility scooter are tyres, solid or air ones. Today in our blog we will discern differences between those two options. This should provide a handy guide for all customers, who wonder which kind of tyres are the best ones.

Making a decision to buy a mobility scooter, the choice between air and solid tyres should mostly depend on your intended use and you as the user. Most brands support only one type of tyres, but at Velobike we do sell both: air and solid tyres.

Air tyres that come as a standard with our mobility scooters or solid tyres upgrade both can fit Veleco mobility scooter models (and other similar vehicles) without trouble. The question is, which set would suit your needs?

Which type of tyres are best for mobility scooters? 

Unfortunately the choice isn’t easy to make, as there are numerous aspects which you should first take into account:

The quality of the ride – In case of pneumatic tyres, which offer much better shock absorption, air tyres ensure smoother ride. On bumpy roads, solid tyres can make your ride less comfortable.

Durability – There is no doubt that solid tyres seem to be more durable than air ones, because lesser external variables can affect them. They cannot be under or over inflated and the risk of puncture is minimalized.

Combined weight of scooter and its user – In case of heavy scooter combined with the weight of the user, solid tyres longevity might be vastly shortened due to weight impact. Were you to drive on uneven roads, there would be no amortization for the impact unlike in case of air tyres.

Terrain which the user travels on – As can be deduced from earlier points, terrain is often the major factor which influences the longevity of tyres. A gravel surface where there might be glass would definitely make solid tyres better suited for the job. In case of other terrain types though, air tyres would be a much better choice for you.

Price – Air tyres are definitely cheaper and in case of their malfunction, it is much easier to fix them. On the other hand, sometimes a single visit to a  voulcanizer may cost you more than a set of solid tyres for mobility scooter. So it is definitely something worth considering.

What are the consequences of picking the wrong type of tyre?

Imagine a situation, in which you pick solid tyres, deciding they will serve you longer. If the road was bumpy and uneven, the ride would not be smooth for you. At first tremors like that might be something acceptable for you, however, it could cause more problems later on!

While it might not be visible to naked eye, all the electronic cables, lightbulbs, battery and other mechanical parts would be forced to withstand continuous shock. This might cause cables to shift, sometimes unplug from important places or even damage electronics. The end result would be the vehicle shutting down in the middle of travel. Not only that, your own body might also be enduring similar strain on the way, and as mobility scooter providers who want our users to stay safe, we would never accept that.

4 questions worth asking yourself before choosing the type of tyres

If you are thinking about which type of tyres will be the best for you, ask yourself: How are you going to use your mobility scooter? How often? What kind of surfaces will you predominantly encounter? And is the long lifespan of the tyres a priority for you, or not? Answering these questions will help you make the right choice.

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How to lock scooter steering wheel?

To answer the common question about how to lock the scooter steering wheel, we have prepared a short guide. Not only that, we will also answer the questions regarding the secure boot under the seat. Stay with us and learn how to operate your scooter!

One of the first steps to make is to determine, which model do you have. It might seem unimportant, but depending on that, different rules might apply to your vehicle. From there, this handy guide that comes next should answer all of your questions.

Step by step – How to lock scooter steering wheel

As we have mentioned before, first comes determining the model of your scooter. If you own either ZT15, ZT63, FASTER or CRISTAL model, then the option of locking steering wheel is available to you.

The process of locking is very simple:

  1. First you have to turn the steering wheel to the left side. In case of ZT63 you might want to try to move it slightly about.
  2. While having done so, with the ignition key in the lock, you have to press it in and then turn it counter-clockwise.
  3. Congratulations, you have successfully managed to lock the steering wheel.

The process of unlocking the steering wheel is likewise simple, by just using the ignition key.

How to lock and unlock secure compartment and lockbox

This one is a bit more tricky, because there are differences depending on the model you have.

In the case of the models ZT15 and FASTER, apart from the ignition key, you would have received one that is used to open it. To do so, simply put the key in the lock on the back of the scooter and turn it, which will open the compartment for you.

If you have our CRISTAL or ZT63 model though, the secure compartment is opened by the ignition key into the main ignition lock and turn it counter-clockwise without pressing it in, as that is used to lock the steering wheel as mentioned above.

If your scooter comes with a secure lockbox in the back, the only key to be used is the one that you have received alongside the ignition key.

We hope this short post has answered all your questions about how to lock scooter steering wheel and storage. In case of additional questions, always feel free to contact us.

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