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FASTER mobility scooter – New life

Many times over we look back at products like FASTER mobility scooter and ponder: What could we do better? How can we cater to our customers? Many times, a question pops up when our customers contact customer support: Is the battery removable? Now we can say it is!

Since many of you wanted this, we came forward to met your expectations with FASTER mobility scooter! This model is now equipped with Lithium-Ion battery. What does that mean for you as our customers? Now you will be able to pick a slightly better option when buying, coming with more powerful battery that can be removed and charged at home.

Why would you want a Lithium-Ion battery?

There are numerous reasons why you would want your FASTER mobility scooter equipped with this kind of battery. Compared to the usual Lead-Acid, the Li-Ion batteries last much longer, while also being much lighter. This means however, that they need to be charged for longer but less frequent.

The Lithium-Ion batteries also perform better in cold temperatures, so depending on where you live, it might be more preferable and efficient option just for you.

They have very good life cycle, as they usually last about two to three years or 300 to 500 charge cycles, whichever occurs first. Be mindful that one charge cycle is a period of use from fully charged, to fully discharged, and fully recharged again.

FASTER mobility scooter – better than before

With more power comes bigger range. By giving our customers option to buy FASTER mobility scooter with Li-Ion battery, we do not only improve one of our best-selling vehicles in our arsenal, we also give it new life and make it much better than before, catering to all the needs of our clients.

And what do you think? Would this be the product you would like to buy? Let us know in the comments section below, so we will know we are heading in right direction!

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10 thoughts on “FASTER mobility scooter – New life

  1. J’ai un scooter ZT15 depuis 3 ans et un matin en voulant le démarrer il ne répondait plus en le démontant je me suis aperçu que la batterie était légèrement gonflée il me faut la changer J’ai vu que vous vendiez le pack de batterie mais je n’ai pas aperçu les câbles pour le chargement et et pour le branchement des éléments électriques expliquez moi comment faut-il que je fasse pour changer la batterie sur mon scooter merci

    1. Bonjour Gerard Thuiland, le processus de changement de batterie est assez simple. Vous pouvez regarder cette vidéo comme guide visuel. En ce qui concerne les pièces, vous pouvez toutes les trouver sur le site Web du fabricant ici : si vous sentez qu’il y a une barrière linguistique, vous pouvez également contacter leur service d’assistance et ils vous aideront à commander la pièce. Utilisation : [email protected]

  2. Hello Admin, Thanks for sharing this article, I also share electric scooter-related article here
    Are electric scooters legal in the UK?

    1. Thanks for the reply Adam, we are always glad to backlink similar websites here for our readers to check out. I like the article you have shared, it is certainly an interesting read! 🙂

  3. can the wheels be changed to solids, as being disabled if i get a puncture when out i am unable to sort it. ?

    1. Hello David, while we personally don’t change the wheels to solids, we use standard size ones and solids can be easily bought online or in any scooter shop and changed on your own or by any workshop. In case of all our products, we always display the wheel sizes in product specifications, for example FASTER models use Front:3.00-8″ and Rear: 3.00-10”

  4. yes i require a faster scooter as i think that the 8mph is too slow.

    1. Thankfully our scooters can reach 16 mph, though be advised that in UK, to drive a mobility scooter without driver’s license the legal speed on pavement is 4 mph and on road 8 mph. The higher, 16 mph speed without license is road legal in EU.

    2. I have the VeloBike ZT 15B set so it can reach 16mph (26kph, setting 3). As I lived in Stevenage with its cycle tracks it was great to get to town quickly then change to the 4mph setting. I now live in Huntingdon (a smaller town) with shared pedestrian routes – there is just a white line to divide us. I use the 8mph setting 2 mostly now for the following reasons. On my scooter the display shows the speed in KPH. On setting 1 I can reach 11kph (6.5mph) and on setting 2 18kph (11mph). While I can reach 11mph on setting 2, I do slow down as I approach pedestrians. Just like car driving, adjusting my speed to the conditions. And with Huntingdon being smaller, at 11mph I soon get to town. My old scooter is supposed to go 8mph but I do not think it does. I am sure the ZT 15 does the speed shown on the dial. I would happily recommend the ZT15 for most people – I love it.
      The Faster or Crystal with Lithium batteries would be the upgrade for me. I am also interested in the new 2020 model available shortly. While I can comfortably reach and return from the nearest village (Brampton, where my Nephew lives) using setting 3 when I can – I think I would need Lithium batteries to reach St Ives given my weight (which I’m working on reducing!)- and to explore other villages. I just need to justify to myself the additional cost given I have a good scooter already.

      1. Thanks for the great reply Lawrence! We are especially glad that you look forward to our 2020 model, we will be posting more news about it soon as well! If you like three wheeled scooters, then this one will definitely be to your liking 😉

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