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Jurassic Product of the Year 2022 Trophy for Veleco

Veleco has another reason to celebrate

Veleco celebrates another milestone. This renowned company in the industry has received a nomination for the Jurassic Product of the Year award. The nomination falls within the category of ecological products, environmental protection, and renewable energy sources. On December 12th, Veleco’s CEO, Jakub Marek, proudly accepted the prestigious Jurassic Product of The Year Statuette.

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Quality International Trophy in the Veleco’s hands for the third time

The third in a row nomination for the Quality International Program ended up being the best our manufacturer could have dreamed of! Veleco, the luxury medical devices manufacturer, has once again received the most valuable badge, confirming their highest quality. This time, GRAVIS model has won the Quality International Trophy! Continue reading Quality International Trophy in the Veleco’s hands for the third time

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Veleco wins again – Quality International Trophy

Another trophy in Veleco‘s collection! The Quality International Trophy is a nationwide project that aims to promote effective quality management methods in companies and institutions. Our mobility scooters manufacturer received this award for their timeless product FASTER, which is particularly popular among our satisfied customers.

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Fastest Mobility Scooters in Velobike

Novice mobility scooters users ask themselves the question about the fastest vehicles they can own. In this article we will try to explain the technical specifications and compare some of the most popular electric vehicles. Why? Because there is not much information about it on the web. At Velobike we have vast knowledge of our products as well as the laws under our mobility scooters can operate.

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Which mobility scooters are best – Veleco Brand

The surprises never cease, especially when yearly trends which mobility scooter is best change. For 2020-2021, Veleco grabs the top spot of the greatest, most comfortable and overall awesome electric vehicles in the United Kingdom! Four of the models have taken four out of ten spots, and they even show up at the top 1!

If you wonder which mobility scooter is best for you to purchase and has the best reviews, then we have reliable third party sources which cover this topic.

Interneteyes has has performed an extensive research on this matter, as they have searched the far and wide reaches of the internet network to compile their list. Putting lots of effort, they have made a great top 10 list of  Best Mobility Scooter UK.

Another great source comes from TheBikeMarket. Their research of Top 10 Mobility Scooters shows that they have also put together an awesome list based on customer feedback. Again you can notice that Veleco brand mobility scooters are the best mobility aids to purchase.

To be honest we aren’t surprised by the outcomes of both researches as our manufacturer is very serious about good quality. For years now, Veleco has created, tested and distributed only the top mobility vehicles in the United Kingdom. Their reach has quickly grown and now they can reach across all United Kingdom and European Union countries.

Top 1 models mobility sccoters – ZT16 & Faster

According to Interneteyes, Veleco 3 Wheeled Folding Electric Scooter Mobility Trike ZT16 takes top spot among many other models. Through the year, as the official distributor of this model, we have received giant positive feedback. All who have purchased this model fell in love with it, and its easy usage and reliability. If you have wondered which mobility scooter is best, then it is definitely this one in class-2 shoppers.

On the other hand, TheBikeMarket has found out that model Veleco FASTER 4 Wheel 8 mph Mobility Scooter is also the top class-3 vehicle. Our customers tell us they love it for the stability the four wheels provide and for the visual appeal. With it, people with limited mobility don’t grab any negative odd stares. Instead, people envy them because they are like a true celebrities.

Browse Mobility Scooters

Why are Veleco scooters so good?

We often get this question from our customers and to provide an answer, it is best to explain with European awards that our manufacturer has claimed in through the years.

award-quality-international-2020In 2020, model DRACO has won the third place award “Quality international 2020”. This has marked a great streak for Veleco company and became a crowning achievement for them. award-quality-international-2021Following the last success of model DRACO, in 2021 another one of Veleco electric scooters claimed an incredible award. Model FASTER has won second place award of “Quality international 2021”.

Numerous Top Places – Which mobility scooter is best for you?

models ZT16 and FASTER are not the only awesome scooters which made it to top 10 lists. Apart from it, Veleco also easily claims more spots.

According to, those scooters are on the list of most wanted mobility scooters in 2021:

At Top 5, you can find model, DRACO. Prized for the unique acceleration system and inclusion of walking stick / umbrella holder, it is only obvious that this dragon makes a big impact.

At Top 6, we have our customer’s all-time favourite, ZT15. This electric mobility scooter has been in our store since the beginning. So it is only fitting, it makes its appearance here.

Lastly, a lucky number 7 falls to FASTER model, Better and Stronger than most mobility vehicles, it charms with the reliable design. Powerful engines and many features have resulted in many customers loving it.

That’s not all. The other top 10 disability scooter list from has model ZT63 on the second place. The Vespa style vehicle is an all time popular senior scooter for elderly who like to travel in style.

And which would be your pick? Let us know in the comment section or if you already know, leave a review under the product and tell us why it is so awesome.

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Most desired Veleco mobility scooters 2020

Ever wondered what are the most desired Veleco mobility scooters in the UK and European Union? No secrets between our company and all the awesome customers, so here’s the short summary of our 2020. If you didn’t yet get a chance to grab one of these vehicles, it might be high time to do so.

The year 2020 was certainly eventful for many people, both individuals and businesses. Even companies such as ours faced struggles and difficulties along the way. This however, was no excuse to give up, as we are the ones who provide people with their freedom of movement. Certainly during 2020 this was one of the most desired commodities, as many who relied on public transport didn’t want to use that any more. Mobility scooters, which didn’t require a driving licence, became especially high in demand due to this.  

2020 Ranking of most wanted

We are proud to say that some models in our store certainly exceeded our expectations. With many changes to our online website and focus on providing the best customer service possible, we have noted traffic of an average 36 thousand people every month. This resulted in many sales, in fact so many, we could barely keep up in the high of summer!

Looking at the statistics, we can say that the first place of most wanted Veleco mobility scooters goes to ZT63, which sold over 4000 vehicles in 2020. We were somewhat surprised about it, but if one looks at the awesome Vespa style retro look, it sure makes sense that this is our customer’s favourite choice.

Second place goes to model FASTER, with over 3500 pieces sold. Guess the reliability of four wheels isn’t to be underestimated. The sense of security this model offers to seniors, especially calms all fears.

The third place is a dark horse in the Most Wanted race. CRISTAL certainly isn’t our newest model and we definitely never expected that over 2000 vehicles will reach the houses of our customers. It is a pleasant surprise that this vehicle is still in very high demand by our clientele.

Thinking about those numbers, we are very much pleased, because each of those means that another person out there enjoys the air outdoors. Living in the four walls can be suffocating and make people unhappy. It is heartwarming to know that we have contributed to people’s happiness out there.

Most desired Veleco mobility scooters – is colour important?

We did show statistics of the whole models, but what about colour? It certainly affected our customer’s decision-making.

Between the three ZT63 models, a big dominance of red one could be seen, as it certainly outdistanced other colours 3 to 1.

In the case of FASTER, this was a very tight race between all red and blue, but ultimately, the blue one took the lead.

CRISTAL silver sold strongest, which certainly was a surprise. The precious colour and highly refined must really be an eye-catcher to many customers.

What have we learned from it? That the colour of 2020 for mobility scooters was certainly the red one.

Do you think we should add red CRISTAL to our store? You can subscribe to our Facebook or Twitter and comment on it!

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Veleco Wins – Quality International Trophy

Our main manufacturer doesn’t stay idle and this year managed to claim the Quality International Trophy. Learn more about this by reading this post, and you’d understand even better, how great are the products that we sell across the United Kingdom.

For years now, Veleco company has done everything in its capacity to provide customers with the best possible products. Broad experience and attention to details has finally resulted in international recognition.

With strong position on the market, Veleco electric mobility scooters reach now more and more houses, strengthening the top position. Whole Velobike Team is proud that it can offer those perfect models in the United Kingdom, aiding our customers every single day.

Quality International Trophies

The Quality International Trophies award is not to be taken lightly, as only to very few companies receive them every year. Namely, those who manufacture their product at standards so high that they get such recognition.

Before this kind of trophy gets awarded, a company has to pass a very difficult check. This includes a long list consisting of a team of employed workers, assemblage procedures and so on.

Winning such a rare trophy is a grand achievement, and we are proud that it is our manufacturer that has claimed it. This means that you, as our customer, get only the very best from us.

What does the future hold?

While we don’t have a crystal ball to divine it, we know our manufacturer well. Veleco wouldn’t rest as the more customer feedback we forward them, the more refined their products become.

Nowadays, they are working to expand. As more and more of their mobility scooters show up across Europe, their renown will definitely grow. If you look for a reliable electric mobility scooter, with unmatched quality, the choice is easy.

Why not take a while to browse our shop? You might find something that you’d like to own in the near future. Who knows, maybe the perfect scooter waits right now just for you.

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